SPRING BLOG_ March 2017

Welcome to my blog. I arrived in prison in 1997 at the age of nineteen. I hardly know what a blog is… I am an emerging fine artist with a burgeoning exhibition history. To learn more about be me go to <>


The Department of Corrections finally transferred me. My new address is:

Sean J. White  #332296

Jackson Correctional Institution

P.O. Box 233

Black River Fall, WI  54615

I am trying to hit the ground at a sprint , but circumstances make it difficult. Although I might understand prison basics, each has its own specific rule to which it takes time to acclimate. This prison begins prisoners in a barracks. They won’t give me my typewriter( necessary for ease of communication and creation of professional  looking submissions), nor painting supplies. However , I can draw, which means I can prepare new paintings… if I can make time to do it. I would say lack of privacy and sleep cause the most distractions.

Despite the obstacles , I must carve a new routine to continue the art I am driven to make. What else can I do? A tree  must blossom each spring or wither to nothing.

I would like to thank everyone who supports me- family, friends, fans of the work. I appreciate you all and I apologize if communication is more difficult. I can only directly communicate via US Postal mail.

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